Vacation Holiday online comparison shopping and today is one of the fastest growing shopping destinations for a comprehensive set of products from thousands of trusted stores from across the Web. With a singular focus on shopping, Vacation Holiday offers shoppers easy-to-use search tools, engaging content and time saving navigation, along with millions of unbiased product reviews only all in one place.
In today's sophisticated online world, smart consumers demand simple and easy comparison shopping features that take the stress out of online shopping, lead them straight to the products they're seeking, while saving them time and money.
Consumer review refers to a review written by the owner of a product or the user of a service who has sufficient experience to comment on reliability and whether or not the product or service delivers on its promises.
The advantage product as follow: a) Core product - focus on the benefit and core advantage which determines our decision.
b) Actual product - emphasis on five physical characteristics of a product: quality, brand name, features, style/design and packaging.
c) Augmented product - post-purchase services and additional services provided by the company.
The actual product:Brand name - the name of the brand and whether or not it is popular.
Quality - whether the product is good or bad, won awards etc.
Features - the functions of the product. For consumers, Vacation Holiday is a one site for online shopping. We've recently introduced new and improved content and navigational features to help shoppers make quick, easy and informed shopping decisions by presenting them with a comprehensive array of products from their favorite brands, reinforced by extensive Vacation Holiday from across the Web.
Vacation Holiday to help consumers anywhere use the power of information to easily find, compare and buy anything online – in less time and for the best price! And we believe that our content is valuable information for the entire marketplace - consumers, manufacturers and merchants. And Consumers demand the widest range of products and stores. Our content is demand-driven to create the content that people really need. Visitors guide our product, categories and shops. We showcase thousands of products and services in different categories. In addition to detailed product information and reviews.
We provide our users with easily find the products they are interested in, read what others have said about it and write their own reviews. And we believe consumers shape and change products and are the driving force behind innovation. In addition to obvious value provided to the consumer, our un-biased user experiences also provide an ideal platform for merchants to observe consumer reaction to new products introduced to the market or new features added to an old beloved.